Independence House

This house has historical importance as the main protagonists of the country's independence used it as a secret meeting place. It is a landmark in the historical circuit of Asunción and the nation, and undoubtedly the most representative site of Paraguay's independence from Spain in May 1811. The Casa de la Independencia is located in the microcenter of Asunción, a site that can be visited daily and where historical documents and objects are treasured. Restored and enriched, its museum features furniture, paintings, portraits, and items from the period. Visiting it is a gratifying experience, especially for those who wish to feel and closely know the historical legacy of such a valuable national heritage.

Address: 14 De Mayo esq, Presidente de Franco 001013, Paraguay Link to map 


Phone: +59521493918 

Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM 

Instagram: Casa de la Independencia 

Facebook: Museo Casa de la Independencia